Market mapping

Need help to grasp the Swedish market? Swift and easy you’ll get an overview of the category of your interest.  

A market map might contain:

  • Market size and development
  • Position och development for leading actors within supply and retail
  • Online/offline
  • Price structure
  • Consumer target groups

Market analysis

Get the most out of your internal and/or external market information!

Ask us for help to navigate, analyse and interpret the large amount of market information that mostly is available within your company. We have vast experience from market and consumer research and can be your extra resource to get truly operational reports as support for decision making! Creation of distinct and comprehensible presentations is one of our strengths!

About Nordic Market Monitor

Nordic Market Monitor AB is an independent market research company for decision making support. Always based on market research and truly operational reports.

Owner and chief market consultant at Nordic Market Monitor is Marie Brannesjö. Marie has more than 30 years experience in market research with a long career as senior consultant at the global market research company GfK.  Analysis of purchase behaviour and consumer insights are key competences. A combination of market research qualifications and deep knowledge about many industries and especially FMCG, fashion and home furnishing forms a unique profile. The passion for turning market research results into concise operational reports as basis for decision making is another strength.

In 2019 Nordic Market Monitor started a co-operation with the global market intelligence company Euromonitor.

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